Ava-Kate and me at the Hogle Zoo; can you tell she missed her nap?
Ava-Kate still loves her bumbo and baba.
Trying on mommy's clothes
Throwing a fit while trying on mommy's clothes
Waking up
Halloween 2010. Cutest costume EVeR! Thanks to Aunt Annika

We didn't take pictures of Thanksgiving, and I'll put up some of our Christmas festivities in a bit. But for news James started a new job on Nov 15 with Fidelity Investments. I am no longer working! WooHoo! Ava-Kate had her 15 month appointment last Tuesday and she is so smart!
Dr. Cramer said that she's an over achiever with her development.
She's talking so much now, she learns a new word almost daily it seems. My favorites lately are "not-not" =knock-knock
"dypa"= diaper
and her favorite= "uh-oh"!
Everything is "uh-oh" even when she drops something on purpose. She's also climbing on everything! Ahhh... what a fun age. If I had to describe Ava-Kate in one word it would probably be "energy". She is full of it! Or "flirt" because that's what she is. She loves people and loves making them laugh. Lots of Love to all our family and friends that read this blog and as Ava-Kate would say "mmmmmm" which means she wants to give you a kiss! xoxo