So I know this is pretty basic, but I don't think my baby needs any glitter or glam to look cute. This is her at 8 weeks and she changes everyday! I would put up more pictures, but lately I've just been taking videos of our lives (ok really of just Ava Kate), and for some reason I've tried about fifty times to upload one and it never works! Also, we've actually had a lot going on. James and I moved to a new apartment which we absolutely love so far. (no worries, we brought A.K. along too) We've been there for two weeks now and we really like the ward, they've been very inviting and welcoming. We miss our old ward a lot though, we learned so much from them and really grew to love the people we were close to. But unlike most, I love change and we're really excited for this one.
Ava Kate just had her two month check up the other day and she's a healthy baby girl, weighing in at 12 lbs even, and 22 inches! Yes she's big we know, but she's so cute! She's starting to really react and smile when you play with her. She has such a personality too. For example she LOVES her baths. She's like a little fishy swimming and splashing in the water. She grows and changes everyday. I'm so grateful that I get to stay home with her as much as I do and am so lucky to be her mom. Especially since she's been such a great baby! She hardly, rarely ever cries for no reason (usually hunger,poopies,lonely), and she would never cry for more than 5 min. if she were just fussy.
Anyway, we still have a lot going on, we're mostly looking forward to going to Alabama in December for James' brother's wedding. Well I'll keep trying to get videos and pictures, but that's what's going on for any who were wondering.