I am sitting here watching the seconds on the clock tick by ever so slowly. I know this is cliche but why when I want time to hurry up it oozes by; yet when I don't ever want the day to end it seems like the sun sets too soon? The mystery of eternity and time I guess.
James comes home tonight at ten! He's only been gone a few days, but without him I seem so lost and alone. I didn't realize how dependent I had become on another person, I suppose it's a good thing that he's my husband. Spending the night sitting and listening to N*Sync Christmas songs just isn't quite the same without him by my side, lying on the bed talking about seemingly insignificant things and making me laugh.
I've been desperately trying to lose myself to make nine thirty come sooner to leave to pick him up from the airport. I watched "You've Got Mail", and cleaned my entire apartment and it all only took two hours! Maybe two and a half, so in a desperate attempt I decided to post.
My birthday is tomorrow, I'll be 22! I don't feel like it, I still feel like I'm 18, it throws me back when people ask me how old I am, I can never seem to answer quick enough to look intelligent, I always second guess myself and have to think for a few seconds. It's strange that James and I have almost been married for 2 years, only three short months 'til we're no longer "newlyweds" but I like to believe "newlyweds" is a state of mind rather than a period of time.
While James has been gone I spent the weekend with my family which was great! I went to church with them and everything, it was good to see those that I love from my childhood ward. On Monday, we had a Sommerville-VanWagoner-Carpenter birthday/Christmas celebratory dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I've truly got the best family, though my birthday is so close to Christmas, which causes me to hate the "/" they've always been so great at distinguishing the two, Mom doesn't even use Christmas wrapping paper on my presents (I got cute boots this year by the way). Anyway, I guess I can't write a novel or nobody will ever read it, unless they find themselves alone and trying to kill time....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
well done my lord, well done
Like Chaucer with dignity says in "A Knight's Tale", 'well done my lord, well done'. Well is definitely what they did do....who might you ask? The Alabama Crimson Tide. As most know, James and, by association, I are huge Tide fans. Unfortunately they were defeated Saturday by a very worthy opponent, Florida. I think of all teams, they're one you can lose to and still hold your head up high. It was a good fight, and looking back on this season it's been a dream come true to many many loyal Bama fans. They've had a sort of curse, or rather sanctions, for the past decade, but not this year. With John Parker leading the way, and Saban of course, the Tide will now defeat Utah in the sugar bowl, that's right, defeat....James has a sizzler dinner riding on it...ROLL TIDE!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Three is Company
Well, pretty sure it's official...Michelle is going back to Alabama for good. She's not going back to school next semester, so I thought this would be a good time to go back through the past six months at what we've been upto...but unfortunatly I only have pictures from the past two months. When she first got here it was kind of a blur and took a lot of getting used to and adjusting to having someone else living with us, but after working out quite a few kinks we've grown to love having her around. We're both going to miss her dearly, but we all knew this day would come eventually....just not so fast. So lately we've had a lot of fun starting with halloween which I've already posted pictures of. And then it was Michelle's 19th birthday, which was so awesome I'm a little jealous. First Chris and Ashley (the best next door neighbors in the world) brought over a cake that Chris made for her with 19 candles, which were lit until Michelle blew them out.
Chris and Ashley
Next James and I treated her to an old fashioned night at Nickle-Mania, which I think is James' happiest place on earth.
Finally, last weekend we went to Brisa Archibald's wedding reception and saw a lot of old friends from Alabama.
Brisa and Rob cutting the cake.
James and Pace together again! (Pace was James' roommate in Loma Linda the summer we met.)
And me and Michelle.
After the reception we went to Temple Square to check out "The Lights" since James and Michelle had never experienced the experience.
This is kind of a bad picture but Michelle has all the good ones and hasn't shared yet, so maybe I'll post them later. So that's what's been going down this semester...Love ya Michelle!
Prom Picture Revived!
Not sure what spooky thing is going on with my camera, but in my last post I talked about the really good picture of our whole outfits that got erased....well, IT'S BACK! Weird....
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Prom
As most of you know, I never had a high school prom, which for some reason I have been quite bitter about. So when James found out about the Twilight Prom, being the romantic that he is, he signed us up and gave me the best night ever! We got all dressed up and went to Cafe Rio for dinner, romantic I know. Then we went to Jordan Commons at 9 for the pre-premiere festivities. There was lots of food including, mushroom ravioli which was surprisingly delicious, ceasar salad, fruit salad, meatballs, these appetizer cream cheese bread things, chocolate fountain that was dyed red with a bunch of stuff to dip in it, and candied apples (pictured below). A girl that I work with came with her husband too so we got to hang out with them for a while and then we made some new friends that we hung out with all night long. They were really great and actually probably were what made the night. I loved the movie, and though James might not admit it in person, he liked it too. We actually went and saw it again on Saturday for Michelle's birthday.
He's a little too tall for me, darn....

Monday, November 3, 2008

James and I the last few years have really gotten in to Halloween. Last year we were Mario and Princess Peach and it was really fun. This year we decided to be Sally and Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. (If you haven't seen it, I'm sure it's at the library.)
James' turned out really creepy looking and he scared the trick or treat-ers at my parent's house. Later, we, including Michelle who went as Pebbles, went to the annual Halloween party hosted by our neighbor in our apartment complex, and actually won the best costume contest! Because of economic times we made our costumes and this is how it turned out. I even sewed my entire dress out of scraps from my mom's previous crafting projects and the collar on James was sewed by yours truly also! Our costumes cost us a grand total of $10 between the both of us!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Bitter Sweet
Last Thursday at about 2:00 pm, I received an email from....dun dun dun...IHC Nursing program...That's right, the verdict is finally in, and Tara has NOT been accepted. Yes it's true, this would be too sick a joke for even me to play. So I mourned and cried hysterics the rest of the day because this threw quite a few life plans out of whack for us. But then once my head was clear I started to really think about it and this could be a good thing. I have at least another semester until I can apply again, so what am I going to do with all this free time? Well at work I've started working 4 ten-hour shifts so I have an ENTIRE day to do whatever I want. So I've decided to take up sewing, right now I'm working on a little project that I can't wait until I have the finished project to post a picture, but for now I'm going to leave it as a surprise, I'm sure the suspense is killer. Also, we've decided that James is going to cut back on hours the next few semesters so that he can go to school full-time to finish his pre-reqs and hopefully start at the U fall of '09. Also as far as school goes for me, I'm enjoying not have a plan for now because my plans never seem to work out....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Prom Night!

This morning James "gchats" me and the conversation goes as follows:
J:So I kinda registered us up for a prom night.
T:What?! Explain...
J:well...we're gonna have to dress up and do the whole 9 yards ....
I kinda think it would be fun....
Turns out, James registered us for a "Twilight" Prom night at the theater!
It's like my second chance at going to a prom! I'm so excited to dress up which is what I miss most about high school, and to go to my first prom with my husband, can it get any better than that? Plus we get to see it the day before anybody else! See for yourself!
http://www.megaplextheatres.com/ then scroll to the bottom....
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tara or Reese....can you tell the difference?
I stole this hair style from Witherspoon's character "Annie"
from the movie Penelope. If any of you haven't seen this movie yet you are
truly missing out on the best fairy tale since Beauty and the Beast. A bold
statement I know, but this movie is more than a fairy tale it's creative breath of fresh air
from the scum that has been fed to our children lately. You must admit that
they just don't make them like they used to. So here's to old money, blue bloods, and
liking yourself the way you are.
I stole this hair style from Witherspoon's character "Annie"
from the movie Penelope. If any of you haven't seen this movie yet you are
truly missing out on the best fairy tale since Beauty and the Beast. A bold
statement I know, but this movie is more than a fairy tale it's creative breath of fresh air
from the scum that has been fed to our children lately. You must admit that
they just don't make them like they used to. So here's to old money, blue bloods, and
liking yourself the way you are.
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