Pioneer Day is my most favorite holiday. Unfortunately if we ever move outside of Utah, July 24th is just another summer day. I LOVE the parade! Which is kind of odd, because we never went to it, or even watched it on TV when I was younger, but for the last 4 years I've gone every year; even at 8.5 months prego. This year was Ava Kate's first, and she was so great! (she was so tired though, the second we put her back into the stroller she was out like a light; literally the very second!)
We saw President Uchtdorf, horses, floats, and our favorite- mustache motorcycle cops. We were about 95% prepared to go parade-ing with a baby, we just forgot a hat.

Later that night we got to watch our friend Natalie sing the national anthem at the Real Soccer
game. We saw Real tie to Chivas USA 1-1, and a FANTASTIC fireworks show. Ava Kate was fantastic the entire game! She loved the clapping and cheers at the game. (I think she thought it was for her). She stayed up until 11 pm, and then we all slept in 'til 9:30 the next morning! Woo-hoo for a day with my family to celebrate the pioneer spirit!